Baby Samantha is finally here! She arrived on Monday, December 22nd at 7:31 pm. She was 7 lbs 12 ozs and 20 inches long. She is so beautiful - even beyond our obvious biased -- she is gorgeous! She has these chubby cheeks you just want to slobber with kisses, potty lips and Michelin Man tire legs -- what could be cuter!
The delivery went well overall. I was induced about 8:30 am that morning and only really had to push for 2 hours. The memory of labor pains is already vanishing. I cannot put into words the flooding of emotion that comes over you when that baby is first placed into your arms. My husband and I were just a bucket of tears. It is the most amazing experience of my life and this little girl is my greatest miracle. We feel so incredibly blessed!
To us she is perfect. My husband was also a super man in labor - being more supportive and caring than I could have imagined. I could not have done it without him.
We are now a family, and we are proud to be parents to Miss Samantha Paige.
Thank you for all of the prayers, flowers, gifts and words of love and encouragement. We love you all and we can't wait to have Samantha meet all those people in our life that mean so much.
She's gorgeous!! I love her chubby cheeks!!
She's gorgeous! Congratulations, I'm so happy for you and your husband! I wish you all the best. I'm sure you'll make a great mother =D.
Tessa S.
P.S. miss you at school!
Hey mrs newbrough!!! Samantha Paige is gorgeous!!! All of you guys are so cute together!! Im so happy for you and i wish you the best!! Hope to talk to you soon. I miss you. I luv having a baby sister(considering im the only real adoptive sister)Tell everyone i said hi
talk to you soon,
Ariana W
Dear Mrs. Newbrough,
The baby is beautiful. I hope that everything went well. I can not wait to see Ms. Samantha Paige, I hope you bring her to school because we miss you so much!!! I hope to see you VERY soon. Every thing is going great.:) She is so freakin pretty!!! Congradulations!!!
Miss you bunches!!!
Jessica S. & Mia L.
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