Monday, October 19, 2009

Special Time with Nana

We were all blessed with a special visit from Mom last week. We had a great time together. We did a lot of Christmas shopping, bonded over movies and great food, had impromptu dance jams with Samantha, and shared in a lot of great laughs.

Mom witnessed the crazy changes in Samantha just since she saw her in July. Already she is pulling up on everything and is trying to figure out the stairs. She even broke a top tooth - though it isn't a front, but rather a side top tooth - so she has been named "Snaggle-tooth." Mom believes that my fascination with vampires has yielded me a fanged child. If her next top tooth is on the other side, this might actually be true. ;)

It really was great sharing coffee with Mom in the morning and just having that restorative time together. Nothing compares. Of course, every else thought I dropped off the face of the planet - but such happens when I am around my Mom. I try to just soak up every minute. I truly hope Samantha loves me as much as I love her.

Samantha sends her love and thanks!! We miss you already Mom/Nana. Wish you could have been here too Papa, but we can't wait to see you all in December for an early Christmas. :)


Logan Marshall said...

Sammy is so big from last time I saw her. Very cute. Keith may want to change his shirt though.


She really is so adorable. You look gorgeous also!