Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My Little LoveBug...

Okay, my little girl is almost 7 months now -- I can't believe it -- where has the time gone!! At her last 6 month appointment she was a robust 18.3 lbs -- prime fighting weight for any sumo wrestling competition. :)

She is a major babbler, esp. in the morning. Her high pitched "talking" and giggles, make even the earliest morning more pleasant.

She is a very happy little girl. I swear she smiles with her eyes and cocks one eyebrow all the time. It is hysterical! Plus, her favorite game at this time is peek-a-boo - that gets the best giggles. Though, you can tell she is getting smarter...she will almost fall out of her exersaucer or seat to follow you if you have hidden. :)

I look at her and I'm taken with how big she looks! She is already sitting up in her high chair, eating baby food twice a day, taking juice from a sippy cup and eating Mum Mum crackers. Where did my little baby go?! Okay that is a bit melodramatic, but they seriously do change so much SO quickly in the beginning.

It is fascinating though. I think about how quickly she is picking up things and I can't even manage to remember what I did yesterday -- when does it start to go downhill like that?! hehe

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