Thursday, September 10, 2009

Reaching Those Milestones

She is growing up too quickly. Here are 2 videos I thought you would all enjoy! What a fun age. She is so interactive and entertaining. For example, when she saw us all giggling with our church group the other night she just busted out in giggles. She will even (when in the mood) open up and lean in when you say kiss. What wonderful memories we are making!

Here is Samantha crawling towards one of her favorite things - the phone (the other being Sadie). She is truly all girl...loving the phone already. :)

One day she is barely scooting a few steps or doing a commando crawl across the floor and the next she is booking it. I guess this is a warning for how quickly changes will happen in the future.

Here is Samantha practicing her standing at her piano. She loves jamming on this thing. She is not quite pulling herself up to it yet, but I know that will be coming soon because she is trying and has great balance.

Our Little Love Bug keeps life exciting. God truly has blessed us. It makes me ready for #2 -- now just need to get Keith on board. ;)

1 comment:


VERY cute video's of Samantha! She is sure a cutie!