Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sam-Bug and the Hat Parade

So, Samantha is 9-months old as of last Tuesday. She was 20.5 lbs and 27 1/2 inches long. I can't believe how quickly time passes. Now, she is not just crawling, but she is booking it!! You can't turn your back for a second, but it is so much fun to see her in pursuit, esp. after Sadie. Shockingly, she also loves the camera. If she sees it in your hand, she comes for it. Only bad thing about that, is we are taking professional pics of her in a couple of weeks and I have no idea how they are going to get her to sit for a picture. At least they have rapid-flash...most of my pictures are of the top of her forehead. :)

In many of these pics, you will see what my friend termed the "hat parade." With summer over and with no fall/winter hats that fit her, we have been picking up several. I had her pose with them for some pics, because they just look so darn cute on her.

Wearing one of the last of her summer hats (that still fits) and dressed to impress for a lunch out with friends.
Keith hates these Pillsbury dough-girl hats, but I just love them. As you can probably tell, Samantha was excited about it as well. :)

I love this hat on her in these pictures, but admittedly this is not her best pic -- but it does show the excessive drool she has going on due to those top 2 teeth trying to come through. Just more evidence of my baby growing up. sniff, sniff

I had to take a pic of these shoes. I couldn't pass these up the other day -- adorable!

Now, while I love hats on her it is not quite her favorite thing. The trick is, distract until they forget about them. :)

Just an intimate conversation between Sadie and Samantha. Now that Samantha is eating more than baby food and drops a lot on the ground, they are best buddies.

I think Sadie was getting jealous, because she kept getting in front of the camera and stopping - I swear she was saying "Mama, take a picture of me too." Poor Sadie.

Giggling with Kisses! Samantha is all about kisses now - she'll open her mouth and lean in for a kiss and lately she will kiss her own reflection. Total girl (though, normally I try to steer clear of mine). ;)

My two great loves!

Tried to get Sadie to pose with us, but I at least got a pic with Sami.

Okay, now some last up-close shots of Sami and her many hats....

1 comment:


Love love love the hats! I'm a hat lover as are my 4 sisters and my mom! She looks adorable!!!!