Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Visit to Good Ole WV

A few weekends ago we enjoyed a great weekend in Parkersburg, WV with Keith's family on the way home from DC (yes, I am still SO behind with my blogs - so sorry!). Samantha ate up the attention as usual, and the kids fought over her. She is so blessed to be surrounded by so much love!

One of the evenings we even got to go to DaVinci's Italian Restaurant (YUM!) with everyone to say one last goodbye to Mallory before she left for college. We will miss Mallory and Logan so much when we go home!

Playing peek-a-boo with Papaw.

Vicki, Randy, Logan and Tami - chilling out and knocking back some Long Island Ice Tea -- and being shocked that very little tea actually exists in that drink. ;)

She has already found the cell phone! If she sees one she goes crazy. She spent half of dinner playing with Mallory's phone, much to my chagrin.

Mallory, Mackenzie and Samantha

"Ahha...I got the phone back" -- her new thing is turning things over and over again in her hands and inspecting them. Which is fun until she keeps dropping Mallory's phone...oops.

Grandma Newbrough, Sami and Papaw Newbrough

A close-up as she gets sick of posing for pics...she is ready to go...sitting still is a rarity nowdays.

A family picture with my princess. How beautiful is she in that dress!

My little crawler, albeit it mostly in circles and backwards. ;)

I just wish Sadie was as fascinated with her, as Samantha is with Sadie. Samantha gets so excited if she even gives her the time of sad.

Yes, she found the computer too -- Mallory what type of role model are you. :) jk

What a great weekend! We esp. had a lot of great time with Mallory, which was so special. We love you all.


The Freeman Family said...

Family visits are always good for the soul! So glad you all had a great WV visit!



What a great visit! Samantha is so adorable!! What a doll!

I wish I got to go home more often.